Hyperacusis tinnitus

Hyperacusis tinnitus is a condition where you experience sounds in everyday life as uncomfortably loud or painful. It can affect one's quality of life and lead to isolation and anxiety.

Hyperacusis tinnitus: What is it and how can it be treated?

Hyperacusis is a condition where you experience sounds in everyday life as uncomfortably loud or painful. It can affect one's quality of life and lead to isolation and anxiety. Hyperacusis can have various causes, such as hearing damage, stress, infections or neurological diseases. Hyperacusis tinnitus can be treated with different methods, depending on one's individual needs and goals.


Hyperacusis tinnitus

Some of the most common treatments are:




Hyperacusis is a serious problem that can impair one's well-being and function. It is important to seek help if you have symptoms of hyperacusis and not to avoid sound completely. With the right treatment, you can learn to manage your condition and improve your quality of life.

We want to change and improve!

We at Duearity want to improve the quality of life for people who suffer from tinnitus and give them hope and opportunities to enjoy life. That is why we have created a medical device that can be used at any time of the day, as tinnitus can vary greatly from person to person when it applies to treatment and relief times.

You can read more about the treatment by clicking here: Treatment with Tinearity G1 Please get in touch if you want to know more about how we at Duearity treat tinnitus: info@duearity.com

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