Pulsating sound in the ear, stress?

Hearing a pulsating sound in the ear can be both annoying and worrying. You may experience hearing your heart sounds or pulse in your ear, as a thumping or hissing sound.

This is called pulsatile tinnitus and is a form of objective tinnitus, meaning that the sound has a physical cause and can sometimes be heard by others using a stethoscope.

Pulsating tinnitus can be caused by several different factors, for example:

Pulsating sounds in the ear are a common phenomenon that can have many different causes. It is not dangerous in itself, but it can be a sign of something else that needs to be investigated and treated. Therefore, it is important to seek medical care if you experience pulsating tinnitus. There is no curative treatment for pulsatile tinnitus, but there are ways to ease the discomfort and learn to live with the sound.

A man holding his ear and looking stressed out.

Some things that can help reduce pulsatile tinnitus are:

Pulsating tinnitus is not dangerous in itself, but it can be a symptom of something else that needs to be investigated and treated. Therefore, it is important to seek medical care if you experience pulsating sounds in the ear, especially if it is only in one ear, if it is persistent, or if it occurs together with other complaints such as dizziness, headaches or visual disturbances.

a doctor with a stethoscope and crossed arms.

In order to get a diagnosis and rule out possible underlying causes of pulsating tinnitus, you may need to do various examinations with a doctor, for example:

The treatment of pulsatile tinnitus depends on what is causing it. In some cases, it may be enough to treat the underlying disease or condition that gives rise to the sound, for example with medication, surgery or other measures. In other cases, it may be more difficult to find a curative treatment and then it is more about alleviating the discomfort and learning to deal with the sound.

We want to change and improve!

We at Duearity want to improve the quality of life for people who suffer from tinnitus and give them hope and opportunities to enjoy life. That is why we have created a medical device that can be used at any time of the day, as tinnitus can vary greatly from person to person when it applies to treatment and relief times.

You can read more about the treatment by clicking here: Treatment with Tinearity G1 Please get in touch if you want to know more about how we at Duearity treat tinnitus: info@duearity.com

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