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Using Tinearity G1

Tinearity G1 will be the world’s first and smallest Medtech classified device that is solely intended for the treatment and relief of Tinnitus — anytime, anywhere Carefully designed by experts from industrial design and medical device development circles. Developed as an aid for people suffering from tinnitus in everyday situations.

What makes Tinearity G1 different from other treatment methods?

The difference is that Tinearity G1 is small and uses bone conduction technology. This means that it introduces white noise into the ear via the skull. This results in the ear canal remaining unobstructed and making it possible to treat and relieve your tinnitus while you are at work, during your free time as well as while you sleep.

How long can I treat my tinnitus with Tinearity G1?

Tinearity G1 is a completely new and unique Medtech classified device that is solely intended for the treatment and relief of Tinnitus — anytime, anywhere

We recommend treating your symptoms with white noise for 6 to 8 hours a day for a period of 6 to 24 months.

MedTech classified

We want to be able to offer people who suffer from tinnitus a safe, secure and exclusive product that is based on a scientifically proven method. For this reason, Tinearity G1 is undergoing extensive testing and review and is being developed according to the regulatory requirements for CE marking class lla medical devices. 

MedTech classified refers to the number of tests, quality assurance and reviews that both the development team and the product are subject to. By objectively assessing the classification by both internal and external resources, we have come to the conclusion that Tinearity is a class IIa medical device. I am proud of the importance of the process and the integrity of our team! - Arash Golshenas, Co-founder Duearity AB

An established method

Treating and relieving tinnitus with white noise is a method that has been used since the mid-1990s and is currently being used on a large scale as an element in TRT (Tinnitus Retraining Therapy). White noise does not cure tinnitus, but it provides relief to many in the demands of everyday life. According to many studies that have been conducted, the majority of people who listen to white noise experience both short and long-term relief.

Use it anytime, anywhere

Whether you are asleep in your bed or working at the office, you can use Tinearity G1 on your own terms. Since we use bone conduction technology, the ear canal is left unobstructed, allowing you to hear sounds from your own environment. At the same time, there is no risk of irritation to the ear canal. Being able to use the device for longer periods of time without stress is the big advantage offered by Tinearity G1 compared to many other products which block the ear canal. 

Feel free

We offer an aid that has great flexibility of use for many people suffering to a greater or lesser degree from tinnitus and who wish to treat or relieve their symptoms using white noise.

By “flexibility”, this means that you can use Tinearity G1 anytime and anywhere without any hindrance to yourself or disturbance to others. The use of Tinearity G1 can go unnoticed in all kinds of situations, for example, while you’re at work, exercising, when you’re asleep or in a meeting. Tinearity G1 quite simply gives you the freedom of choice. 

Symtom tinnitus information

Symptoms and Causes of Tinnitus

Some 10 to 15 per cent of the population is estimated to experience tinnitus at some point. Approximately two per cent of a population have severe tinnitus – so severe that their symptoms greatly affect their quality of life. Many of those suffering from tinnitus have difficulty sleeping, experience nervousness, anxiety, depression, have difficulty concentrating and are also hypersensitive to sound (hyperacusis). Nevertheless, many people who suffer from tinnitus find peace, tranquillity and balance and learn to live with their symptoms.

Common causes of tinnitus

  • Noise 
  • Stress and depression 
  • Improper bite and jaw muscle dysfunction 
  • Muscle strain 
  • Side effects of medication 
  • Hearing loss  
  • Various diseases 
  • Viral infections 
  • Physical injuries such as those to the head, ears and neck. 
  • Vascular conditions 

What happens in the ear when you get tinnitus?

Tinnitus can arise in the inner ear as a result of acoustic shock, a sudden loss of hearing or age-related hearing loss. Researchers believe that certain sounds are weakly transmitted to the brain or not at all due to damaged receptors in the cochleae.

Can tinnitus make you dizzy?

Tinnitus is caused by various disorders that affect how the brain processes sound. You can feel dizzy and nauseous if you have neurological tinnitus. Sensory tinnitus is, in essence, a form of subjective tinnitus.

Can tinnitus make you nauseous?

Tinnitus is caused by various disorders that affect how the brain processes sound. You can feel dizzy and nauseous if you have neurological tinnitus. Sensory tinnitus is, in essence, a form of subjective tinnitus.

Why do I feel throbbing in my ear?

This is commonly referred to as “pulsatile tinnitus”. You can hear your heartbeat or sense a throbbing in your ear. This can be described as the noise of the flow from a vascular malformation or an overly active blood vessel close to the ear. It can also be caused by contractions in the small muscles of the middle ear. Pulsatile tinnitus is commonly described as a form of objective tinnitus. In other words, unlike subjective tinnitus, such sounds can be observed and registered. Sometimes, your doctor may be able to hear the sound via a stethoscope. Only a few per cent of people suffering from tinnitus have objective tinnitus.

How long can temporary tinnitus last?

There is no exact answer to this question, since it very much depends on the individual.

You may start experiencing tinnitus after being exposed to an extremely loud sound, such as an explosion. This form of tinnitus tends to disappear after your ear has healed from the injury – a process which can take up to six months. 

Can you get tinnitus from earplugs?

Avoid using earplugs too often as they will increase your sensitivity to sound. Moreover, it will result in you hearing your tinnitus more intensely. Do not avoid everyday sounds, but exposure to loud noise is not recommended.

Why do you get pulsatile tinnitus?

Pulsatile tinnitus is commonly described as a form of objective tinnitus. You can hear your heartbeat or sense a throbbing in your ear. It can also be caused by contractions in the small muscles of the middle ear. It can be described as the noise of the flow from a vascular malformation or an overly active blood vessel close to the ear.

Can tinnitus appear suddenly?

Yes, tinnitus can appear suddenly. Experiencing tinnitus can give rise to strong emotions such as frustration, fear, depression, etc. These feelings can in turn lead to physical reactions such as anxiety and stress, which amplify the symptoms of tinnitus and perpetuate the vicious circle.

Who suffers from tinnitus?

The most common causes of tinnitus are noise-induced hearing loss caused by exposure to environments with excessive noise or hearing loss itself. Tinnitus can arise at all ages and is a very common problem that is unfortunately affecting people at an increasingly younger age. It is not always possible to cure tinnitus, but there are ways to alleviate the discomfort it causes.

Is tinnitus a work-related injury?

If you have been exposed to loud sounds or noise at work which has damaged your hearing, this is considered a work-related injury and you are entitled to receive benefits.

Can you get tinnitus as a child?

Tinnitus occurs at all ages, even in children, but most people suffering from tinnitus are middle-aged or older. Buzzing in the ears is often linked to hearing loss, in particular among the elderly.


Treating or Relieving Tinnitus

Tinnitus occurs at all ages, even in children, but most people suffering from tinnitus are middle-aged or older. Symptoms can often improve with time and there are various options to relieve the discomfort.  

At present, there is no cure for tinnitus. However, there are a range of different methods that can be used to relieve the condition. Examples of some of such methods include.

How do you determine whether you have tinnitus?

Tinnitus can be perceived as a persistent whistling noise, a low tone or even a varying tone. It can also be described as a buzzing, hissing, whistling or clicking sound in the ears that is only heard by you. The type and intensity of the sound varies from one person to another, and you may hear different sounds in different situations.

Can you cure tinnitus by exercising?

TRT, Tinnitus Retraining Therapy, is a method that reprograms how you perceive sound. It is the only commonly accepted treatment method that is recommended by the majority of the scientific world. 70 to 80% of people who combine cognitive behavioural therapy with white noise therapy learn to live with their tinnitus and experience relief.

What does tinnitus mean and how can it be prevented?

Partly with white noise therapy used in combination with Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. Nevertheless, there are some who advise against mixing treatment methods for one problem, which is why many people choose other treatment methods. 

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)

CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) and ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy). The objective is to change your approach and attitude to the sound of tinnitus so that it feels less troublesome or does not become troublesome anymore.

Tinnitus Retraining Therapy (TRT)

Tinnitus Retraining Therapy is a treatment method for tinnitus where sound stimulation together with CBT is used to achieve habituation of reaction to tinnitus and habituation of perception of tinnitus.

You can read more about Tinnitus Retraining Therapy in the article below:

Hearing Health Foundation — The Tinnitus and Hyperacusis Issue

Sound masking

Sound masking involves listening to various types of sound that divert your attention away from the sound of your tinnitus.


Work with a psychologist to treat stress and depression. Physiotherapy, pain relief and voluntary physiological treatment.


Living with Tinnitus

We offer an aid that has great flexibility of use for many people suffering to a greater or lesser degree from tinnitus and who wish to treat or relieve their symptoms using white noise.

By “flexibility”, this means that you can use Tinearity G1 anytime and anywhere without any hindrance to yourself or disturbance to others. The use of Tinearity G1 can go unnoticed in all kinds of situations, for example, while you’re at work, exercising, when you’re asleep, when you’re in the shower or in a meeting. Tinearity G1 quite simply gives you the freedom of choice.

How do you sleep with tinnitus?

Common consequences of tinnitus include difficulty sleeping, problems concentrating, nervousness and anxiety, hypersensitivity to sound (hyperacusis), social isolation, depression, irritation and hearing difficulties. It is easy to end up in a vicious circle, with anxiety leading to insomnia, which leads to even more anxiety and can in turn cause the sound to become even more discomforting. 

Most people manage to break out of the vicious circle after a while and find their way back to a feeling of peace and balance. However, if the problems persist over longer periods of time, it is important to seek help through Cognitive Behavioural Therapy in combination with white noise therapy, for example.

Is tinnitus permanent?

Not everyone suffering from tinnitus experiences the symptoms and the discomfort in the same way. Tinnitus can be experienced as a ringing, buzzing or hissing noise and can be temporary or permanent.  At present, there is no treatment that cures tinnitus, only treatment methods that provide relief from it.

Can tinnitus disappear?

Most people afflicted with tinnitus get better on their own or after they have undergone treatment. There is no treatment to cure tinnitus; the treatment is instead focused on relieving discomfort and improving the way the discomforting sounds are perceived.

Can stress-related tinnitus disappear?

The intensity of your tinnitus may decrease or disappear if stress also decreases, but it is not uncommon for tinnitus to become more severe due to stress or another psychological strain such as depression or trauma.

What is it like to live with tinnitus?

Some 3 to 5% of the population suffer from severe tinnitus, which affects their ability to live a normal life. Most people who suffer from tinnitus soon experience a gradual decline in the level of discomfort from the sound and become less aware of it until it no longer poses a problem. A smaller number of people who suffer from tinnitus need longer to get used to it, and the sound of their tinnitus can cause nervousness and anxiety which in turn, further increases their discomfort.

Can you learn to live with tinnitus?

TRT (Tinnitus Retraining Therapy), is a method that reprograms how you perceive a sound. It is the only commonly accepted treatment method that is recommended by the majority of the scientific world. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is similar to TRT, as it teaches the patient to live with the symptoms of tinnitus. 70 to 80% of patients experience relief when Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is combined with white noise therapy.