Most common questions about tinnitus
It is estimated that around 10-15 percent of the population experiences ringing in the ears at some point. About two percent of the population has severe tinnitus, so severe that the symptoms affect the ability to live a normal life. We have therefore collected the most common questions about this so that you can gain a better understanding of the subject.
Common causes of tinnitus
- Noise
- Stress and depression
- Improper bite and jaw muscles
- Muscle tension
- Side effects of medicines
- Hearing loss
- Different diseases
- Viral infections
- Physical injuries, for example ear, neck and skull injuries
- Vascular conditions
What happens in the ear when you get tinnitus?
The cause of tinnitus can arise in the inner ear as a result of acoustic shock, sudden hearing loss or age-related hearing loss. Scientists believe that some sounds are transmitted weakly or not at all to the brain due to damage to the sensory cells in the cochlea.
Can you get dizzy from tinnitus?
Tinnitus is caused by various disorders that affect how the brain processes sound. You may feel dizzy and nauseous if you have neurological tinnitus. Sensory tinnitus is actually a form of subjective tinnitus.
Can tinnitus make you sick?
Tinnitus is caused by various disorders that affect how the brain processes sound. You may feel dizzy and nauseous if you have neurological tinnitus. Sensory tinnitus is actually a form of subjective tinnitus.
Why is my ear throbbing?
This is usually called pulsating tinnitus. You hear your heart sounds or pulse in your ear. This can be described as a pulsating flow sound from a vascular malformation or an overactive blood vessel near the ear. It can also be due to contractions in the small muscles of the middle ear. It is usually said that pulsating tinnitus is a form of objective tinnitus. These sounds can thus be observed and recorded unlike subjective tinnitus. Sometimes your doctor can hear the sound through a stethoscope. Only a few percent of all people with tinnitus have objective tinnitus.
How long can temporary tinnitus last?
There is no good answer to the question as it is very individual dependent.
Tinnitus can occur after you have been exposed to a single sound that was harmfully loud, such as an explosion. This form of tinnitus usually disappears when the ear has healed from the injury, which can take up to six months.
Can you get tinnitus from earplugs?
Avoid using earplugs too often as you become more sensitive to sound, and you also hear your tinnitus more. Do not avoid everyday sounds, you should not expose yourself to loud noises.
Why do you get pulsating tinnitus?
It is usually said that pulsating tinnitus is a form of objective tinnitus. You hear your heart sounds or pulse in your ear. It can also be due to contractions in the small muscles of the middle ear. This can be described as a pulsating flow sound from a vascular malformation or an overactive blood vessel near the ear.
Can tinnitus come on suddenly?
Yes, tinnitus can come on suddenly. When the tinnitus sound is perceived, it can create strong emotions such as frustration, fear, depression, etc. These feelings can in turn cause physical reactions such as anxiety and stress and this intensifies the tinnitus symptoms and causes the vicious cycle to continue.
Who suffers from tinnitus?
The most common causes of tinnitus are noise damage due to having been in environments with loud noises or suffering from impaired hearing. Tinnitus can occur at any age and is a very common problem that unfortunately creeps up with age. It is not always possible to get rid of tinnitus, but there are ways to alleviate the problem.
Is tinnitus a work injury?
If you have been exposed to loud sounds or noise at work that caused hearing damage, it is a work injury and you are entitled to compensation for it.
Can you get tinnitus as a child?
Tinnitus occurs at all ages, even in children, but the largest group with tinnitus is middle-aged and above. Tinnitus is often linked to hearing loss, especially in older people.
Treat or relieve tinnitus
Tinnitus occurs at all ages, but in recent years has started to affect more and more younger people. The symptoms can often get better with time and there are various possibilities to relieve and reduce the discomfort.
Tinnitus cannot currently be cured. But there are a number of different methods to relieve tinnitus. Examples of some of these methods are
How do you check if you have tinnitus?
It can be perceived as a sustained howling sound, a low tone or even a shifting tone. Tinnitus can be a buzzing, hissing, howling or clicking sound in the ears that only you can hear. The type and intensity of the sound varies from person to person and you may hear different sounds from time to time.
Can you train to get rid of tinnitus?
TRT- Tinnitus Retraining Therapy is a method of reprogramming the experience of sound, the only accepted treatment method that most of the scientific world recommends. Cognitive behavioral therapy combined with white noise teaches a person with symptoms to live with their tinnitus and 70-80% experience relief.
What is meant by tinnitus and how can tinnitus be treated?
Tinnitus can be partially treated by listening to white noise in combination with CBT treatment . However, there is an opinion not to mix both problems in one and the same aid, whereupon many choose other solutions to treat themselves.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) and ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy). The aim is to change one's own attitude and attitude towards the tinnitus sound so that the sound feels less bothersome or not bothersome at all.
Tinnitus Retraining Therapy (TRT)
TRT (Tinnitus Retraining Therapy) aims to make the brain react less negatively to the tinnitus sound, for example by using white noise.
Please read more about Tinnitus Retraining Therapy in the article below:
Hearing Health Foundation – The Tinnitus and Hyperacusis Issue
Sound masking
Sound masking involves listening to different types of sounds that divert attention from one's own tinnitus sound.
Therapy in collaboration with a psychologist that aims to process stress and depression. Physiotherapy, pain relief and bite physiological treatment.
We want to change and improve!
We at Duearity want to improve the quality of life for people who suffer from tinnitus and give them hope and opportunities to enjoy life. Therefore, we have created a medical device that can be used at any time of the day, as tinnitus can vary greatly from person to person in terms of treatment and relief times.
Please get in touch if you want to know more about how we at Duearity treat tinnitus: info@duearity.com